Indiegogo Campaign

Thanks to the last-minute change in venue (from our original 1,200 sq. ft. intended space to the current 4,500 sq. ft. space with a separate entrance and increased seating opportunities) we have encountered some additional costs (electrical, signage, more materials for construction of the increased space, etc.). To help us cover those expenses and give us a jumpstart on our first few months, Matt Potter has put together a wonderful Indiegogo campaign to give people a way to support the project and play an important part in building NH’s newest performing arts space. If you’d like to get involved and can help out, please CLICK HERE to check out the sponsorship levels, a brief video and the associated perks.

Extra special thanks and much love to Michael J. Curtiss, the founder of The Granite Stage, “a Facebook-based resource for ALL THINGS THEATRE in and around the state of New Hampshire”. Michael is a long-time player on the NH theatre scene as well as a legendary NH theatre reviewer. Catch his latest review (and read all his earlier reviews) at Thanks again, Michael! Looking forward to seeing you in the Hatbox…

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